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Start up India benefit

Now a days, startup India is becoming more popular in India. The Prime minister of India Narendra Modi has started the Startup India and promoted it. Startup India is a strong ecosystem that is conducive for the growth of startup. It means to enable new companies to accomplish development through advancement and innovation.

Who can register under start-up India :-


  • Partnership Firm
  • Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP)
  • Private Limited Company

Benefits of Startup India


  • Startup India register in simple process: -
    Anyone who can apply for Startup India can fill up a simple form on the website and upload certain documents. The entire process is completely online.
  • Reduction of cost: -
    The government will provide high-quality Intellectual Property Right Services including fast examination of patents at lower fees. They will bear all facilitator fees and the startup will bear only the statutory fees. They will enjoy 80% reduction in the cost of filing patents.
  • Apply for tenders: -
    Startup can apply for government tenders. They are exempted from the “prior experience/turnover” criteria applicable for normal companies answering to government tenders.
  • Tax saving for investors: -
    People investing their capital gains in the venture funds setup by the government will get exemption from capital gains. This will help Startup to attract more investors.
  • Meet other entrepreneurs: -
    The government authority has proposed to hold 2 startup fests yearly both nationally and globally to empower the different partners of a startup to meet. This will provide huge networking opportunities.
  • Easy access to Funds: -
    A 10,000 crore rupees fund is set-up by government to provide funds to the Startup as venture capital. The government is also giving guarantee to the lenders to encourage banks and other financial institutions for providing venture capital.
  • Choose your investor : -
    After startup india ,will have an option to choose bewtwwn VCs giving them the liberty to choose their investors.
  • Easy exit:-
    In case of exit , startup can close its business within 90 days from the date of application of winding up

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